Imikhiqizo Okufakiwe

  • According to different application environments, we can guide customers on how to install and use switches, or provide customers with suggestions on the selection according to technical requirements.According to different application environments, we can guide customers on how to install and use switches, or provide customers with suggestions on the selection according to technical requirements.

    Umhlahlandlela wokufaka

    Ngokuya ngezindawo ezahlukahlukene zohlelo lokusebenza, singaqondisa amakhasimende ukuthi angafaka kanjani futhi asebenzise amaswishi, noma ahlinzeke amakhasimende ngeziphakamiso zokhetho ngokuya ngezidingo zobuchwepheshe.
  • When a product malfunctions during use, we will assist customers in analyzing the cause of the problem through telephone, email, and malfunctioning product samples. If necessary, we can send technical personnel to the customer's production site to assist in the analysis to ensure that the problem is resolved smoothly.When a product malfunctions during use, we will assist customers in analyzing the cause of the problem through telephone, email, and malfunctioning product samples. If necessary, we can send technical personnel to the customer's production site to assist in the analysis to ensure that the problem is resolved smoothly.

    ukuhlaziywa kwenkinga

    Lapho umkhiqizo ungasebenzi kahle ngenkathi usetshenziswa, sizosiza amakhasimende ekuhlaziyeni imbangela yenkinga ngocingo, i-imeyili, nangamasampula womkhiqizo angasebenzi kahle. Uma kunesidingo, singathumela abasebenzi bezobuchwepheshe kusayithi lokukhiqiza lekhasimende ukusiza ekuhlaziyweni ukuqinisekisa ukuthi inkinga ixazululwa kahle.
  • According to the customer's application environment, we can help customers make test equipment that simulates the application environment to test the selected products to ensure that the product can meet the needs of the application environment, and provide test results reports for reference.According to the customer's application environment, we can help customers make test equipment that simulates the application environment to test the selected products to ensure that the product can meet the needs of the application environment, and provide test results reports for reference.

    Izidingo zokuhlola

    Ngokuya ngemvelo yesicelo sekhasimende, singasiza amakhasimende enze imishini yokuhlola efanisa imvelo yohlelo lokusebenza ukuhlola imikhiqizo ekhethiwe ukuqinisekisa ukuthi umkhiqizo ungahlangabezana nezidingo zemvelo yesicelo, futhi unikeze imibiko yemiphumela yokuhlolwa ukuze isetshenziswe.
  • Provide timely technical advice to assist customers in the correct installation and use of products. During the development of new products, it can assist customers in successfully completing the design and development of new products and promptly solve the questions encountered in the product application, so that the product can be more stably applied to supporting products.Provide timely technical advice to assist customers in the correct installation and use of products. During the development of new products, it can assist customers in successfully completing the design and development of new products and promptly solve the questions encountered in the product application, so that the product can be more stably applied to supporting products.

    Isevisi yokuthengisa ngemuva

    Nikeza izeluleko ezisebenza ngesikhathi esifanele ukusiza amakhasimende ekufakweni nasekusebenziseni okuyikho kwemikhiqizo. Ngesikhathi sokwakhiwa kwemikhiqizo emisha, ingasiza amakhasimende ekuqedeleni ngempumelelo ukwakheka nokwakhiwa kwemikhiqizo emisha futhi axazulule ngokushesha imibuzo okuhlangatshezwane nayo ekusetshenzisweni komkhiqizo, ukuze umkhiqizo usetshenziswe kahle emikhiqizweni esekelayo.

Mayelana NATHI

  • about us

Zhejiang Lema Electric Co., Ltd.itholakala eWenzhou City, eSifundazweni saseZhejiang. Le nkampani yasungulwa ngo-1986 uLema uzibophezele ku-R & D, ekukhiqizeni nasekuthengiseni ukushintshwa kwezimboni ngogesi. Imikhiqizo eyinhloko yenkampani ifaka phakathi ukushintshwa okuncane nokuhamba (umkhawulo) Shintsha, inkinobho yokucindezela inkinobho, iswishi yonyawo, inkinobho yokuguqula, isivikeli sokugcwala, isokhethi yamandla we-AC. Ngemuva kweminyaka ecishe ibe ngu-30 yentuthuko engaguquki, uLema ube ngumkhiqizi omkhulu wezobuchwepheshe ukushintsha eChina. Le nkampani njengamanje ihlanganisa indawo engaphezu kwamamitha-skwele angama-11,000.

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Indawo Yokufaka Isicelo

Izindaba Zokuvakashelwa Kwamakhasimende

Likuphi uhla lwethu lwebhizinisi: Kuze kube manje sesisungule ama-prosy ejenti e-Algeria, Egypt, Iran, South Africa, India, Malaysia nakwamanye amazwe aseningizimu-mpumalanga ye-Asia. Futhi eMiddle East naseNingizimu Melika. Sinozakwethu nenani elikhulu lamakhasimende.